If you are self-employed, this means they also look at your turnover for the last year.
However, COVID-19 and the lockdown have affected many self-employed people's work and turnover, and AtW know this. So when self-employed people have their next review, the impact of any COVID-19 related downturn will be ignored.
Similarly, the lockdown has affected many employed people, e.g. working from home, using more remote interpreting, working fewer hours, not working at all (being furloughed). AtW understand this, and you can expect that your AtW Award won't change or be cut just because of the impact of COVID-19. (It may still need to change for other reasons, e.g. if the way you work has permanently changed).
This information has been checked with AtW.
If there are any other changes, DeafATW will post them here and share them with the DeafATW mailing list. At the moment, DeafATW have not been told of any other changes.