Ask AtW to send me my file, or their Guidance, policies etc.
This gives information and links about making Freedom of Information requests and Subject Act Requests.
It may help you write your complaint if you see what AtW have written about your case or their decision, or see the policies they say they are using.
You can also ask for a copy of your AtW records using the Data Protection Act (DPA). This is called a Subject Access Request. You may want to ask for all the papers which should be in their records relating to:
· their decision,
· appeal
· any hand written notes
· form AtW2, to check that they have listed the pros and cons (the good and bad things) about recruiting a staff interpreter or just booking freelance interpreters. (AtW 225)
For example, if they haven’t done form AtW2, this may be evidence that they have not fully considered the pros and cons (the good things and bad things) about each of option.
Remind AtW that they must send your records in 40 days. You can find out more, and download a standard letter that you can use on their website.
If AtW refuse to send you your records, or take more than 40 days, complain to the Information Commissioner (ICO) about this. (You can find out how to complain to the ICO here -
If you want to see AtW documents, for example policies they say they are following when they make their decision that are different to the Guidance (which you can download yourself), then write to them and ask for them to send you a copy as a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Make sure you describe all the documents you want in detail. They may charge you for photocopying, but should send it within 20 days. More information here:
It may help you write your complaint if you see what AtW have written about your case or their decision, or see the policies they say they are using.
You can also ask for a copy of your AtW records using the Data Protection Act (DPA). This is called a Subject Access Request. You may want to ask for all the papers which should be in their records relating to:
· their decision,
· appeal
· any hand written notes
· form AtW2, to check that they have listed the pros and cons (the good and bad things) about recruiting a staff interpreter or just booking freelance interpreters. (AtW 225)
For example, if they haven’t done form AtW2, this may be evidence that they have not fully considered the pros and cons (the good things and bad things) about each of option.
Remind AtW that they must send your records in 40 days. You can find out more, and download a standard letter that you can use on their website.
If AtW refuse to send you your records, or take more than 40 days, complain to the Information Commissioner (ICO) about this. (You can find out how to complain to the ICO here -
If you want to see AtW documents, for example policies they say they are following when they make their decision that are different to the Guidance (which you can download yourself), then write to them and ask for them to send you a copy as a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Make sure you describe all the documents you want in detail. They may charge you for photocopying, but should send it within 20 days. More information here: