If AtW make a decision that doesn't make sense to you, then ask them to explain how they made the decision. If they still don't explain, ask again, and again, and again (!), until they do.
Questions you can ask them include:
- Please explain the detailed reasons for your decision.
- What information did you consider in reaching your decision?
- Can you explained how you reached the view that this support would meet my minimum needs?
AtW advisers can make choices in what they decide, but they have to have a reason for those choices, they can't just make things up, or make decisions with no reason. Because they are a public service decision maker they are obliged (have to) tell you their reasons for their decisions.
If the AtW adviser doesn't answer your question, or says that you have to do something, then just write back and ask them again. And again. Etc.
If they refuse, or ignore you, then you should complain to AtW.
Read "Never give up - An AtW success story" below about how this can work.