If you are self-employed you must ask your support worker (interpreter) or the interpreting agency to sign this. It says “I certify that the person named in the Customer details section of this form has received the number of hours support shown in the Claim details section, and that this support is as agreed with Access to Work.”
The problem is that this is asking the support worker or agency to agree two things.
1. That they have provided you with the support you are claiming for. They can agree this.
2. That “this support is as agreed with Access to Work”. If interpreters and agencies have not seen your ATW Award letter then they do not know if this is true, and so they cannot sign this. But if they do not sign this then your claim will not be accepted by ATW.
What can you do for now?
Show interpreters or agencies your ATW Award letter (if you want to), so that they can sign this.
The interpreter / agency could cross out the second part of the sentence, and write an explanation of why they have crossed it out, before signing. There is a risk that if they do this ATW will not pay the claim.
DeafATW and NUBSLI (their ATW Action group) have contacted ATW to explain why this is a problem, and ask them to change the form.
Please let DeafATW know if you have any problems with this.